Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ethics In Management Essays - Walmart, Business Ethics, Junk Fax

Ethics In Management Essays - Walmart, Business Ethics, Junk Fax Ethics in Management What is the status of ethics in management? This is a very hard question to address in a two to three page paper because there is no definite answer. As with many society-wide concerns, ethics runs the entire spectrum of behaviors; from Wal-Mart being very customer oriented and a friend of charity to those fly-by- night repair scams that tend to prey on the elderly. When does a business cross the line from making a profit to stealing a profit? That is a hard line to gauge. Laws are designed to make that line a little clearer but laws can't out think the mind of man. If a way can be thought of to make money it already has been or is being thought of. It's where people are taken advantage of that we need to worry. There are many business in place that simply prey on the people who don't know any better. Whether its the feature on Prime-Time that shows elderly people tricked into phony home repairs or the local business that offered a friend of mine a computer at an inflated price with an outrageous financing plan, some business practices are unethical. What I will focus on today is not the clearly right or the clearly wrong but that vast amount of items that are in the middle. Looking at more of a gray area, Wal-Mart is generally viewed as an ethically company but even they have a reputation for unfair competition. Wal-Mart has a marketing plan that targets smaller cities with large- volume discount stores. While this may not appear to be unfair on its face, many people have felt it's negative effect. When Wal-Mart moves into a market, many of it's smaller competitors go out of business. Small business in small towns can't compete with the prices, availability, or selection of a huge conglomerate like Wal-Mart. People in the towns don't have much of a choice. Pay more for less or pay less for more? Not are hard decision. But the ultimate effect is that many small business can't survive the competition. Is that ethically wrong? That is a very hard call to make. I recently had an experience of buying a new car. I shopped around Altus and also in Florida while on a recent trip. I was in the market to buy a Ford Explorer. The prices seemed to be about the same in these two markets. My wife and I decided to drive to Oklahoma City to look further. When we got there, the first dealership that we saw had over thirty Explorers on the front lot with a recent shipment of more in the back. Compared to the Altus dealership which had two. Immediately, I noticed that the price at that dealership was $1,300 less than the same model with the same package in Altus. Both stickers said the price quoted was the manufacturers suggested retail price. Already over $1,000 to the good, we decided to look further. We found four Explorers that had an additional mark down of $2,000. This was because of an engine style in the process of being phased out that had an additional rebate. Looking at the two different model from Oklahoma City and Altus, we! would save $3,300 by buying here. We decided to look no further. We selected the color and bought our car. Overall, we had a very pleasant experience but what about the people who buy from the Altus dealership and spend over $3,000 more? Are they being unethically taken advantage of? That's a hard call to make. I teach an equal opportunity class on base and during that class someone inevitably brings up car prices in Altus as being unfair. Are these prices unfair or is it just the law of supply and demand? Two thousand dollars that I saved in Oklahoma City were because that model car wasn't available to the dealership in Altus. That difference can be easily excusable. The other $1,300, I have a harder time with. I took detailed notes and both stickers were basically identical with the exception of price. Each indicated a different manufacturers suggested retail price. Ethically, I think the line has been crossed. There can't be

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